Notes & Thoughts
Full Articles & longer lists
Notes on VIM
VIM is a welcome return to the keyboard and departure from the annoyances with slow mousing around.
While there are many nice plugins avilable to Vim and especally for NeoVIM I would recomend still getting used to it plain without plugins first so that you get used to the core commands and know what you really want out of a plugin. If you jump right into using plugins you will likely end up installing many plugins that you don't want or need.
- Main VIM quick ref sheet
- using Marks in VIM to move around quickly to saved locations
- Jumping quickly around in VIM
- Working with files and multiple files
- Common plugins to vim
- Lua for NeoVIM
- LunarVim: a great quick and easy to configure setup with modern plugins.
- VIMWIKI: a nice easy to use personal wiki format for notes etc that work inside VIM
- publicly shared dotfiles for NeoVim
- Random but useful notes on vim, vim commands that you might not know.
VIM keybindings in other places
Once you get used to the basic VIM keybindings you'll be able to find them useful in a lot of places other then just VIM. Many editors have options to use VIM keybindings for example but also many other applications also have options to use them.New to me Mac stuff
New awesome tiling window manager for Mac
Fast and powerful status bar replacement
APIs that are interesting
KVM software
Snippets for use in many diffrent code editors
Chat apps that have some sortof secure messaging
- Element
- end-to-end encrypted messaging for groups
- open-source
- main website
- Tox
- end-to-end encrypted messaging for groups and colleagues
- main website
- Telegram
- Video confrencing and messaging app that offers end-to-end encryption
- WhatsApp
- Offers secure end-to-end encryption
- Threema
- secure messaging with end-to-end encryption
- Wire
- secure messaging with end-to-end encryption
- Rocket.Chat
- secure messaging with end-to-end encryption
- Kaizala
- secure messaging with end-to-end encryption
- BBM Enterprise
- secure messaging with end-to-end encryption
- session
- new
Static Sites
- What is Mastodon?
- Join Mastodon
- Getting started
- PC Mag article on how to leave twitter
- Easy list of what emojis your server supports
- unoffical Guide to gettings started with Mastodon & Fediverse
- Some interesting accounts you might want to follow based on interest
- Confused in Mastodon how to grow your follow list? Excelent resource here.
TUI clients
- https://xn—
- tootstream Python-based command-line interface
- tut Command-line interface written in Go
Other Fediverse stuff
- Pixelfed — instagram like
GUI clients
Cli Tools that I use regularly and are not standard linux commands
- zsh and other help with the commandline
- List of tools with install links
- Nodemon — listen for file changes and do something
- ranger — Extendable CLI based filemanager with VIM like keybindings.
- timewarrior — simple time tracker
- create directory `.timewarrior` and then all data for command will be stored inside
- github
- terminal-notifier — easily set notifications for the mac
Mac Tools
Rust cli tools
all are installed with cargo install such as `cargo install toolname`
- alacritty — gpu accelerated terminal
- bat — like cat but better
- du-dust — disk usage (nicer du)
- vimv — bulk rename using the power of vim
- macchina — machine info
- yazi — a fast filemanager with good UI
- skim — skim a project with lazy finder
- ripgrep — modern grep util
- tokei — count of files/langauges etc in your code
- zellij — modern screen/tmux
- tclock — terminal clock (works well in a tmux pane)
- csvlens — simple cli tool to view csv files
- Rustdesk — remote desktop & file
- more RUST CLI/TUI Tools
GoLang cli tools
can be installed with `go install git address`
- podman — container tools (opensource replacement for docker)
- fzf — fast fuzy search
- Curlie — curl/HTTPie replacement
- wtf — configurable display for personal information dashboard
- timer — a simple cli timer (like sleep command with more)
- lf — a great filemanager that is extreamly fast and configurable
- f2 — file renaming tool
- portal — an easy way to send and recive files quickly between any OS.
- walk — simple replacement for ls and cd
- fzf — fast fuzy search
- gdu — disk usage analyzer
- esbuild — fast bundler for the web
- more Go CLI/TUI Tools
Terminal Multiplex
- My tmux Quick Refrence
- — great looking and useful
- awesome-tmux everything you need to make tmux awesome
- nord theme (nice blue theme) for tmux
- dracula theme (dark theme) for tmux
- tmate — simular to tmux but made for easy terminal sharing
- Youtube video - tmux in 100 seconds
a modern terminal multiplexer that is easier for newbies while still being powerful. Solid and stable but could use a few more abilities for my use.Git
- Nerd Fonts — fonts with extra glyphs added
These work well with a lot of cli apps & suggested for a lot of NeoVIM plugins. - new font for programming with some connected chars
GO Language
GO/GOLang is a wonderful modern programming language that is built from the ground up for modern multithreaded computers and the internet.
- About Go Language — if you are not familiar with GO this is a good place to start.
- My Go Language Cheat Sheet
- Learn Go With Tests — basicly a workbook that presents learning go with tests from the start
- fyne GUI library
- console UI library
- Cell based view for text terminals
- bubbletea - charm based full terminal UI framework
- huh - charm based app library for building terminal forms and prompts
- ebiten - 2d game engine
- Awesome Go — collection of good Go resources