A Developer In The mountains having fun

Git Commands Quick Ref

git status

git add [files]

git diff

git difftool

git diff --staged - diff of what is changed but not staged

git commit -m "[descriptive message]"

git commit -am "[descriptive message]" - commit and add all modified files to commit


git branch - list branches (local)

  • Switches: -r - remote, -a - all

git branch [branch-name] - creates a new branch at current commit

git checkout - switch to another branch and check it out

git merge [branch] - merge the specified branch into the current one.


git log - shows a log of all commits on current branch

git log --follow [file] - show commits that chanced the file (even across renames)

share & remotes

git remote add [alias] [url] - add a git URL as an alias

git fetch [alias] - fetch all branches from alias remote

git push - pushes to remote

git pull - fetch and merge from remote

Rewrite History

git rebase [branch] - apply any commit of current branch ahead of specified one

Stash / temp storage

git stash — stashes current changes

git stash save "some message" — stashes current changes with a short message

git stash pop — restores last stash

git stash show — shows changes in most recent stash


Allows easy way to work on multiple branches at the same time.

git worktree add <main> — adds the worktree & branch 'main'

git [worktree](worktree) add <location-local> <branch-name> — adds the worktree main

git worktree list — lists all worktree directories and currently checkedout branch

git worktree remove — removes a worktree from the repo

git worktree prune — removes worktrees that are no longer valid

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