Go Lang Cheat Sheet
capital variables/stucts are exported(public)
lower-case variables are not exported(private)
camelCasing is convention no underscores or dashes should be used in variables
Collection of like value types maps — not ordered
Get value:
- myVal := mapName[val] bad ref returns 0
- myVal, ok := mapName[val]
map functions
delete(mapName, valueToDel)
Flexable container for diffrent data types one struct can be embeded within anouther (add without type)
type structName struct {
someName int
someName2 string
someName3 []string
Get Value:
- structName.someName
- structName.someName3[2]
only one kind of loop in Go and that is the For loop
basic for loop styles:
for i = 0; i < 9; i++ {}
for ; i < 9; i++ {}
for i = 0; i < 9; {}
for ; i < 9; {}
looping over a slice,array, map, string, channel (capturing keys & values):
s := []int{1, 2, 3}
for k, v := range s {
looping with only a test
for test {}
looping forever (until something inside the loop breaks)
for {}
exiting from a loop early:
- labels
-- defines which level to break tobreak SOMELABEL
Flow Control:
runs after the function, but before returning: Last in, first out order if multiple defers.
- useful for keeping statments that close a resource close to the open
- arguments are taken at the time of the defer statement not when run
- a panic doesn't have to be fatal
- defer statments happen before a panic
- recover will allow panic to be recovered from
panic("message: ", err.Error())
example of a recovery of a panic inside a defer statement
func main() {
defer func() { // this is an anonymous function
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Println("Error: ", err)
}() // this is needed to actually call the function
panic("something bad happened") // this is panic and not print "end",
// but if this was inside anouther function it would recover to the end of the function
- pointers are defined with (&)
- points to the memory address
- allows a refrence (pointer) instead of a copy of a variable.
- and (*) before a variable "dereferences" it to the value.
slices/maps are actually pointers to the data
- working with them changine data in one can change others that for formed from.
New keyword
// coming soon
- functions can be passed as values
- anonymous functions can be used
- can be immediately invoked
nothing passed in or out:
func myFuncName() {}
multiple types passed in
func myFuncName(greeting string, id int) {}
multiple types passed in, and multiple returned
func myFuncName(greeting string, id int) (string, int){
return greeting, id
multiple of same types passed in
func myFuncName(greeting, saying string) {}
passing pointers to function (so it changes the main var)
func main() {
name := "Stacey"
func myFuncName(*name string) {
*name = "Sam" // this changees the name in main too
passing multiple values into function that become a slice
func main() {
myFuncName(1, 5, 60, 40)
func myFuncName(values ...int) {
result := 0
for _, v := range values {
result += v