Some What Random Notes on VIM/NeoVIM
Remember that one the the strengths of VIM is that anything in it can be bound to a key command. Make your Vim experiance truely yours.
Need a quick terminal that is easy to copy/paste from inside of vim?
— this will open a terminal bufffer:vsp | :terminal
— will open a vertical split with the terminal.Drowning in windows? try using
ctl-w o
to close all but the current window. All buffers will remain open but I find that I mostly only like one window open and this quickly resets to that during the times I use multiple windows.normally write code in VIM but then start writing a long paragraph for some reason (maybe inside html) and hate the screen scrolling or not seeing everything? Quickly turn on line wrap with
:set wrap
you can turn if off with:set wrap false
too.protect a single buffer you already have open from accidental changes with the command
setlocal readonly
Reformat the current buffer
- to set the current buffer through a system command you use
- a somewhat common use for me is to format the current buffer in columns. The standard Linux command column is my goto for this.
:%!column -t
Comparing two or more files/buffers
from the command line
launch vim or neovim with the -d
flag to enter diff mode
#> neovim -d file1.txt file2.txt